Hi, my name is
Thomas Guiart

I am a Developer

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01. About

Profile Image

I'm a self-taught front-end developer with basic back-end knowledge, based in Fukuoka, Japan. With a passion for creating responsive and engaging websites. With a focus on quality and attention to detail, I'm dedicated to delivering exceptional web solutions that exceed expectations.
I'm constantly seeking new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer, and I'm excited to contribute my skills to the tech industry.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • Typescript
  • React / Next.js
  • Astro
  • Vite

02. Projects

Personal Projects

Clone HP Playstation


Discover my PlayStation Website Clone, a front-end project crafted with TypeScript, Vanilla JS, HTML, SCSS, and Webpack. Mimicking PlayStation's homepage, it showcases a responsive design, a Swiper carousel for featured games, and dynamic game lists fetched from the RAWG API.

webpack icontypescript iconrest-api iconswiper icon

Clone LP Kintetsu


Astro Clone recreates Kintetsu-g's landing page with Astro, Swiper, and ts-particle, prioritizing hands-on Astro experience, dynamic Swiper components, and ts-particle particle effects. The technology stack optimizes performance with Astro, Swiper, and ts-particle for a dynamic user experience.

astro iconsass iconswiper icon

Clone Nayuta


Astro-based Company Website Clone replicates Nayuta site, emphasizing practical skill application, Astro mastery, and technology synergy. Motivated by front-end development enhancement, microCMS content management, and coding best practices adherence.

astro iconreact iconsass iconmicro-cms icon

MERN Yelpcamp


MERN YelpCamp Clone mirrors the YelpCamp project with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. Users can interact with campgrounds and reviews, authenticate via JWT, and experience responsive design. The inclusion of Mapbox-gl enhances mapping for a more interactive user experience.

mongodb iconexpress iconreact iconnodejs iconsass iconswiper iconmapbox iconzod icon

The Odin Project

Shopping Cart


TOP's Full Stack JS - JavaScript Course includes a Shopping Cart web app developed with React and Vite. It enables browsing, adding products, and includes features like adjusting quantities. Technologies used: React, Vite, Redux, Sass, TypeScript, and React Router Dom. Notably, it incorporates Vitest for thorough unit testing and supports filtering products by category.

react iconredux iconreact-router iconvitejs iconvitest iconsass icon

Weather App


The Weather App is a mobile application developed using React Native and TypeScript. It displays weather information for a specific location using data fetched from the WeatherAPI API. The app utilizes jotai for state management and axios for making HTTP requests. The weather icons used in the app are from Google Icons.

react-native icontypescript iconrest-api iconaxios iconjotai icon

Todo List


Todo App from The Odin Project's Full Stack JS course, built with Vitejs, TypeScript, Express, and MongoDB. Features include task management, unit testing with Vitest, and recent user authentication implementation.

vitejs iconexpress iconmongodb icontypescript iconsass icon

OhMyFood - Delivery


The Webpack Restaurant project, part of The Odin Project's curriculum, is a responsive restaurant website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Webpack. It features a navigation menu for easy browsing, a homepage showcasing various restaurants, and a menu page displaying detailed item information.

webpack icontypescript iconsass icon

Open Class Room

OhMyFood - Delivery


Oh My Food, an OCR Web Developer project, is an online gourmet meal ordering platform using HTML, SASS, FontAwesome, and GitHub. It prioritizes personalized menus, mobile-first design, reservations, and high-end dining experiences.

html-5 iconsass iconfont-awesome icon

HP Reservia


Reservia is a web application project from the OpenClassRoom curriculum. The goal is to transform a design mockup into a fully functional website for users to search and book accommodations and activities for their travel destinations.

html-5 iconcss-3 iconfont-awesome icon

03. Contact


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I'll answer ASAP.

Thomas G.